Clean Green Energy Blog

Solar Mounting Kits

Most of us buying Solar Panels mount them on our roofs. This is logically correct because the roof provides the necessary area for laying out all the parts of the Panel as well as providing greater sun light. It also avoids the potential damages from rodents and animals that could be caused on ground. Mounting these panels is a job that all of us dread to do mainly because it is complicated and it could risk your whole panel. But with the help of solar mounting kits, it could become much easier.

Where can you get the kits?

There are many companies who provide these kits and they come in different varieties such as the Rail Mounting Kits, Bimini Kits and others. There are specialized kits for attaching the panel into boats due to the presence of salt water in those conditions.

Instructions to follow before buying the kits

The first thing that you have to do is estimating your roof. If your roof is weak and fragile, then there is literally no point in buying the mounting kit. So, call an expert with experience in buildings and he will tell you if your roof is strong enough to hold the panel as well as the mounting kits. Only if he gives a positive reply, you should proceed or else you should look for alternative methods. If you still continue to install your panel in spite of a negative reply from the expert, you might wind up facing some severe damages to your house.

Solar Mounting Kits, Solar Mounting Frames & Brackets

The Solar Pathfinder and the Stud finder

Make sure that your roof is free from solar obstructions. There is a device called as the "solar pathfinder" that will determine if your roof has any solar obstructions such as a tree or any other object which will hinder the sun's radiations from falling on your roof. If the device detects any such obstructions, try to clear them off. Also make sure that your roof is large enough to accommodate all the equipments. If any of these requirements fail, then there is no point in buying the whole device.

While installing the mounting kit, you might have to attach it with your rafter. So, you have to locate these rafters before you install the kit. Depending upon the area of your kit, locate and mark as many rafters as you want using a chalk. Finding these rafters might be difficult if you don't know about your house so there is a device called as the "stud finder" which will locate the rafters as they are usually located in equal intervals.

Mounting the kits

After consulting with an appropriate person, drill the holes in your rafters so that you can attach the kits in them. Then seal the kits using nails around the rafters. Finally attach the mounting framework on top of the supporting kits. Thus your mounting is done and you are now free to attach the panel on top of the framework.

Now you are all done and you can call an electrician to connect your appliances with the solar panel.