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Working Mechanism of Wind Turbines

Wind turbines generate electricity by converting wind energy to electrical energy. The operation of wind turbines is similar to that of fans with the difference being that fans generate wind from electrical energy while wind turbines generate electrical energy from wind. The turbines make use of generators which are connected to circuits that are battery charged and of which sent the energy that is created to big utility grids.

Practically electricity energy is harnessed from air that is in motion and basically wind turbines convert kinetic energy to mechanical energy and finally to electrical energy. The working mechanism of wind turbines also emphasizes on mechanical friction that is used to automate the entire electricity generation process and do away with any damage or shortcoming that may result due to drastic climate change.

Electricity generation

Any effective turbine will have 3 aerodynamically architecture blades. This makes it easier to create a rotational movement every time the blades are exposed to wind. The blades rotate a shaft which is connected to the generator(s) which in turn create electricity. As the wind blows, the blades make lifts that are like an airplane's wings then the blades begin rotating.

A shaft of the lowest speed will spin between 30 - 60 times per minute. Low speed shafts are usually connected other shafts of high speed or gearbox that makes between 1000-1800 rotations per minute. The shafts, in high speed, operate the generator which in turn produces electricity. An electric grid is connected to the generator. Then from the utility wind, electrical energy is sent to consumers through distribution and transmission lines.

Mechanical strength

The wind turbine on itself also plays a very significant role in making the generation process a success. Usually the turbine is on a firm foundation to prevent it from uprooting. This way the turbine is protected from any strong force that may make the turbine anticlockwise mechanism crumble.

Factors that determine the capacity of electricity

Velocity: The velocity of wind always varies; sometimes it is weak and other time strong. Even then wind turbines only operate in moderate wind and never in too weak or too strong wind. An ideal wind velocity for a turbine to work is between 25 and 55 mph (miles per hour). If the velocity is much lower than this then the turbines might not work and if the velocity is over 55mph then the wind turbines have to be switched off to prevent them from getting damaged.

Air density: The density of air determines the wind's kinetic energy. The denser the wind the more power they possess in turning the turbines. Low attitude areas are better as they are more than high attitude areas and therefore making them better to station the wind turbines.

Blade radius: the larger the blade the more wind harvested and thus a blade's diameter can substantially determine and enhance the electricity levels. Tower height: Taller turbines are more efficient for the reasons that at higher attitudes, there is usually lesser turbulence and more wind can be harvested at higher levels than lower attitudes.